
generally speaking an endpoint is a path with placeholders. these placeholders can be called aruments or parameters depending on whether they are mandatory or not. when requesting data from a web api provider we send our query to an endpoint to get back data

we can lookup these endpoints in the provider documentation and use the existing drupal contrib module "apiservices" to translate them into drupal config entities Since each endpoint is a configuration entity, they can be managed using Drupal's configuration API. This allows each endpoint to be accessible to other modules, enabled or disabled individually, and have dependencies that are automatically managed by Drupal.

this module will allow developers to use a drupal crud ui for creating these endpoints (which can then be exported as drupal config yaml files)

    • adds a permission for administering endpoints and an access controller checking for that permission.

  • adds a ui for api endpoints as defined by the apiservices module

  • can be disabled if not defining new endpoints


  • enable this module if you want to define new external endpoints via drupals entity crud ui

  • administer endpoints at admin/structure/fluxcraft-endpoints

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